Legolas Simulator 2016


Legolas Simulator 2016 is a First Person "Literal Tower Defense" game developed for the HTC Vive, at the Vancouver Room-Scale VR Game Jam, using Unity 5. The player is given a bow, an infinite amount of arrows and tasked to use them to defend their tower from vicious purple balls.


  • Game Designer

  • Level Designer

  • "VR Dude" (It was my responcibility to use my knowledge about VR to understand how the Vive worked. And to apply that understanding to create a solid game experience.)

It was my goal to quickly develop and understanding about how the Vive worked, while determining how best to translate that into a positive user experience. With that knowledge we were able to craft a game that not only satisfied the theme, but we were also able to use this new medium to create fun and enduring and strategic experience.